Tantus Dorado Rumble Head
Tantus Dorado Rumble Head

Tantus Dorado Rumble Head


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Tantus Dorado Rumble Head

Dorado Rumble Head

Welcome to the whimsical world of pleasure, where the Tantus Dorado Rumble Head isn't just an attachment—it's a comedy show for your erogenous zones. Picture this: You, your Rumble wand, and the Dorado Head ready to steal the spotlight in the most sensitive regions of your kingdom.

The Dorado Head, crafted from 100% Ultra-Premium Silicone, is like the rockstar of the Rumble attachments. It doesn't just attach; it swoops in with style, ready to dazzle any sensitive erogenous zone within its reach. It's the Maverick of pleasure, the Captain Jack Sparrow of your intimate adventures, here to make your heart (and other parts) flutter.

Once this silicone sensation is attached to your Rumble, it's showtime! Choose a vibration pattern, and watch in awe as the Dorado fin flickers and flutters back and forth like an overly caffeinated fish. It's not just a fin; it's a performer, a maestro of movement, choreographing a dance of pleasure that will leave you in stitches—of joy, of course.

Your Rumble wand, now adorned with the Dorado, becomes the ultimate pleasure tool. With 7 vibration settings, it's like having your own pleasure orchestra, and the lightweight, ergonomic grip ensures that you can conduct the symphony with finesse. The Dorado isn't just an attachment; it's a co-star in the intimate drama of your life.

Let's talk dimensions, because size does matter when it comes to pleasure tools. The Dorado Head boasts a head width of 2.4", a head height of 1.5", a fin height of 2.4", and a fin length of 1.5". It's not just about the numbers; it's about the comedy of proportions, the perfect balance of form and function to bring you pleasure with a side of laughter.

In conclusion, the Tantus Dorado Rumble Head isn't just a silicone attachment; it's a comedy sensation for your sensitive erogenous zones. It's the laughter-inducing, pleasure-evoking accessory your Rumble wand has been waiting for. So, grab your front-row seat, dim the lights, and let the Dorado take center stage in the most entertaining show of your life.

Head Width: 2.4"
Head Height: 1.5"
Fin Height: 2.4"
Fin Length: 1.5"