Kokos Big Hip Maria 003
Kokos Big Hip Maria 003
Kokos Big Hip Maria 003

Kokos Big Hip Maria 003


  • Price: 229.99AUD
  • Out of stock
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Kokos Big Hip Maria 003

Unleash Your Fantasies with Kokos Big Hip Maria 003

Hey there, pleasure-seekers! Get ready to meet your new best friend – Kokos Big Hip Maria 003. Maria isn't just a name; it's a promise of pleasure, a commitment to satisfaction, and a one-way ticket to ecstasy.

HANNA, our model with the perfect body proportions and a figure that turns heads, is the star of the show. And she's not here to play small; Maria 003 is the epitome of realistic onahole pleasure. Get ready to unleash your wildest fantasies with this masterpiece.

Let's talk dimensions – 35 cm x 26 cm x 15 cm. Maria is no shrinking violet; she's a voluptuous vixen here to make a statement. Weighing in at 6.3 kg, this is no lightweight companion. Maria knows how to hold her own – literally!

Crafted from top-notch TPR material, Maria's touch is soft, realistic, and oh-so-satisfying. And did we mention her curves? They're not just curves; they're an adventure waiting to happen. Maria 003 is more than a toy; she's an experience that will leave you coming back for more.

Main Features:

  • Realistic dimensions for an immersive experience.
  • 6.3 kg of pleasure – Maria is no lightweight.
  • Premium TPR material for a lifelike touch.
  • Maria's curves designed to fulfill your wildest fantasies.
  • Your go-to companion for unforgettable solo adventures.
  • Ready to turn your fantasies into reality? Click that "Add to Cart" button now and let Maria 003 take you on a pleasure-packed journey you won't forget!