Explorer Long Tail Butt Plug XL
Explorer Long Tail Butt Plug XL
Explorer Long Tail Butt Plug XL
Explorer Long Tail Butt Plug XL
Explorer Long Tail Butt Plug XL

Explorer Long Tail Butt Plug XL


  • Price: 24.99AUD
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Explorer Long Tail Butt Plug XL

Hey, thrill-seekers! Brace yourselves for the BDstyle Explorer Long Tail Butt Plug - XL, the grandmaster of backdoor pleasure. This is not your standard plug; this is a one-way ticket to XL ecstasy.

Picture this: you, the Explorer XL, and a journey into the uncharted territories of pleasure. Made from premium TPE material, it's not just a plug; it's an experience—an experience that'll have you coming back for more, again and again.

Let's talk dimensions, shall we? The Explorer XL flaunts a jaw-dropping 47 * 6 cm (6.88" * 2.63" for the measurement enthusiasts) and packs a punch at 366 g (0.85 lb or 13.6 oz for those keeping score). It's not just a plug; it's a power move.

Whether you're into the mysterious allure of black or the crystal-clear charm, this plug has got you covered. It's not just about pleasure; it's about making a statement, and the Explorer XL does it with style.

No complicated settings, no need for power sources—just pure, unadulterated pleasure. And we get it; privacy matters. That's why we discreetly package this pleasure powerhouse in an OPP bag, so your secret stays safe.

Ready to level up your pleasure game? Shop for the Explorer Long Tail Butt Plug - XL now and embark on a journey that's larger than life. Because when it comes to pleasure, size does matter.