Kokos Nude Sleeve 5 - Medium
Kokos Nude Sleeve 5 - Medium
Kokos Nude Sleeve 5 - Medium

Kokos Nude Sleeve 5 - Medium


  • Price: 19.99AUD In stock
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Kokos Nude Sleeve 5 - Medium

The Comedy Central of Intimacy

Introducing the Kokos Nude Sleeve 5 - Medium, where laughter and pleasure collide in a spectacular comedy of errors (or should we say, pleasures?). This flesh penis extension sleeve isn't just about boosting satisfaction; it's about turning your intimate moments into a sidesplitting sitcom!

Imagine a comedy club where Kokos designers double as stand-up comedians, and the Nude Sleeve 5 takes center stage with its medium-sized antics. Weighing in at a hilarious 91 grams, it's the lightweight champion of the laughter Olympics, promising a performance that won't leave you in stitches – but might leave you in fits of giggles.

The material? TPE (Totally Playful Elastomer, obviously!). Crafted to mimic a realistic texture, this medium-sized pleasure enhancer is the ultimate funny bone in your arsenal of adult toys. It doesn't just extend time; it extends the boundaries of hilarity in the bedroom.

Size is a critical factor in comedy, and the Kokos Nude Sleeve 5 knows how to hit the sweet spot. With dimensions of 3.8 cm x 14 cm, it's the punchline you've been waiting for – not too small, not too big, just right for a laugh-out-loud experience.

But here's the real punchline: this isn't just a male enhancement sleeve; it's a comedic genius that turns your intimate moments into a sitcom episode worth binge-watching. Get ready for a night of laughter, love, and a touch of absurdity with the Kokos Nude Sleeve 5!